Status of air pollution in Beijing

Wu Jin , Wang Anpu , Huang Yanchu , Ma ciguang , Y. Iida , S. Daishima , K. Furuya , T. Kikuchi , H. Matsushita , K. Tanabe


Received December 20, 1989,Revised , Accepted , Available online

Volume 2,1990,Pages 27-39

  • Summary
  • References
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A study has been made on elements organic constituents, TSP, SO2,NO2 of atmospheric pollutants in Beijing. 17 elements, and some PAHs, e. g. B(a)P, B(b, j, k)P, and B(g, h, i)P, in airborne particles by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and HPLC, GC/MS, have been determined respectively. It has been shown that the elements Pb, Zn, S and Cu were more enriched in fine particles and different valence states of sulfur at various sites. It was found that the concentrations of S6+ and S2-were more than 85% and less than 15% of the total sulfur respectively. Concentrations of major PAHs and sulfur-containing compounds increased in winter and in urban area. High values for Pb and Zn in city, Fe and Mn at industrial area and Cu, Al rural sites were obtained respectively. This implies the functions of different elemental sources of various sites. Thus, elements can be from distingushed anthropogenic and natural sources.The main contribution of SO2 was found of to have same seasonal variation as the anthropogenic elements, while that of NO2 varied only with emission from vehicles.

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