Aquatic environment

Sludge granulation and e ciency of phase separator in UASB reactor treatingcombined industrial e uent

Abdullah Yasar , Nasir Ahmad , Muhammad Nawaz Chaudhry , Aamir Amanat Ali Khan


Received May 15, 2006,Revised September 26, 2006, Accepted , Available online

Volume 19,2007,Pages 553-558

  • Summary
  • References
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Sludge granulation and the e ect of gas-liquid-solid separator (GLSS) design on the e ciency of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and upflow anaerobic sludge filter (UASF) reactors, operating at HRTs ranging from 3 to 12 h were investigated. VSS/TS ratio gradually increased in both the reactors with increasing sludge age (from 0.5 to more than 0.7 for UASB reactor and 0.012 to 0.043 for UASF reactor). X-Ray di raction analysis of the UASF sludge showed the presence of expanding clays revealing its additional absorption capability. Fuoraphyllite and albite precipitation related to excellular polymers of the microbial shell structure, showed the extended growth of microorganisms during sludge granulation. A gradual decrease (82%–69%) in COD removal with decreasing HRT was apparent in UASF reactor. In case of UASB reactor, this decrease was marginal because addition of GLSS device significantly improved (14%–20%) the overall e ciency of the UASB reactor. GLSS enhanced the e ciency of the UASB reactor by increasing the settleability of suspended particles and accelerating the coagulation of colloidal particles due to the velocity gradient.

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