Terrestrial environment

Intraspecific differences in effects of co-contamination of cadmium and

LIU Xiao-li , ZHANG Shu-zhen


Received September 04, 2006,Revised March 10, 2007, Accepted , Available online

Volume 19,2007,Pages 1221-1227

  • Summary
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A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study intraspecific di erences in the e ects of di erent concentrations of cadmium (Cd) (0–10 mg/L) and arsenate (As(V)) (0–8 mg/L) on the growth parameters and accumulation of Cd and As in six wheat varieties Jing- 9428, Duokang-1, Jingdong-11, Jing-411, Jingdong-8 and Zhongmai-8. The endpoints of wheat seedlings, including seed germination, biomass, root length and shoot height, decreased with increasing the Cd and As concentrations. Significant di erences in seed germination, biomass, root length, shoot height and the accumulation of Cd and As were observed between the treatments and among the varieties (p < 0.05). The lethal dosage 50% were about 20, 80, 60, 60, 80 and 20 mg As/L for Jing-9428, Duokang-1, Jingdong-11, Jing-411, Jingdong-8 and Zhongmai-8, respectively, and the corresponding values for Cd were about 30, 80, 20, 40, 60 and 10 mg Cd/L, respectively. Among the six varieties, Duokang-1 was found to be the most resistant to Cd and As toxicity, and Zhongmai-8 was the most sensitive to Cd and As co-contamination. The resistance of the six varieties was found dependant on the seedling uptake of Cd and As. Duokang-1 was the most suitable for cultivation in Cd and As co-contaminated soils.

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