Terrestrial environment

Effects of free iron oxyhydrates and soil organic matter on coppersorption-desorption behavior by size fractionsof aggregates from two paddy soils

WANG Fang , PAN Genxing , LI Lianqing


Received May 26, 2008,Revised September 02, 2008, Accepted , Available online

Volume 21,2009,Pages 618-624

  • Summary
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Effects of free iron oxyhydrates (Fed) and soil organic matter (SOM) on copper (Cu2+) sorption-desorption behavior by size fractions of aggregates from two typical paddy soils (Ferric-Accumulic Stagnic Anthrosol (Soil H) and Gleyic Stagnic Anthrosol (Soil W)) were investigated with and without treatments of dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate and of H2O2. The size fractions of aggregates were obtained from the undisturbed bulk topsoil using a low energy ultrasonic dispersion procedure. Experiments of equilibrium sorption and subsequent desorption were conducted at soil water ratio of 1:20, 25°C. For Soil H, Cu2+ sorption capacity of the DCB-treated size fractions was decreased by 5.9% for fine sand fraction, by 40.4% for coarse sand fraction, in comparison to 2.9% for the bulk sample. However, Cu2+ sorption capacities of the H2O2-treated fractions were decreased by over 80% for the coarse sand fraction and by 15% for the clay-sized fraction in comparison to 88% for bulk soil. For Soil W, Cu2+ sorption capacity of the DCB-treated size fraction was decreased by 30% for the coarse sand fraction and by over 75% for silt sand fraction in comparison to 44.5% for the bulk sample. Cu2+ sorption capacities of the H2O2-treated fractions were decreased by only 2.0% for the coarse sand fraction and by 15% for the fine sand fraction in comparison to by 3.4% for bulk soil. However, Cu2+ desorption rates were increased much in H2O2-treated samples by over 80% except the clay-sized fraction (only 9.5%) for Soil H. While removal of SOM with H2O2 tendend to increase the desorption rate, DCB- and H2O2-treatments caused decrease in Cu2+ retention capacity of size fractions. Particularly, there hardly remained Cu2+ retention capacity by size fractions from Soil H after H2O2 treatment except for clay-sized fraction. These findings supported again the dominance of the coarse sand fraction in sorption of metals and the preference of absorbed metals bound to SOM in di erently stabilized status among the size fractions. Thus, enrichment and turnover of SOM in paddy soils may have great e ects on metal retention and chemical mobility in paddy soils

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