Aquatic environment

A novel aminated polymeric adsorbent for removing refractory dissolvedorganic matter from landfill leachate treatment plant

ZHANG Long , LI Aimin , WANG Jinnan , LU Yufei , ZHOU Youdong


Received April 30, 2008,Revised July 20, 2008, Accepted , Available online

Volume 21,2009,Pages 1089-1095

  • Summary
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Refractory dissolved organic matter (DOM) from landfill leachate treatment plant was with high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content. An aminated polymeric adsorbent NDA-8 with tertiary amino groups and su cient mesopore was synthesized, which exhibited high adsorption capacity to the DOM (raw water after coagulation). Resin NDA-8 performed better in the uptake of the DOM than resin DAX-8 and A100. Electrostatic attraction was considered as the decisive interaction between the adsorbent and adsorbate. Special attention was paid to the correlation between porous structure and adsorption capacity. The mesopore of NDA-8 played a crucial role during uptake of the DOM. In general, resin in chloride form performed a higher removal rate of DOC. According to the column adsorption test, total adsorption capacity of NDA-8 was calculated to 52.28 mg DOC/mL wet resin. 0.2 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution could regenerate the adsorbent e ciently.

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