Environmental biology

Characterization of the e ective cellulose degrading strain CTL-6

Yucai Lv , Xiaofen Wang , Ning Li , Xiaojuan Wang , Masaharu Ishii , Yasuo Igarashi , Zongjun Cui


Received May 14, 2010,Revised October 26, 2010, Accepted , Available online

Volume 23,2011,Pages 649-655

  • Summary
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An e cient cellulose degrading bacteria exists in the thermophilic wheat straw-degrading community, WDC2. However, this strain cannot be isolated and cultured using conventional separation techniques under strict anaerobic conditions. We successfully isolated a strain of e ective cellulose degrading bacteria CTL-6 using a wash, heat shock, and solid-liquid alternating process. Analysis of its properties revealed that, although the community containing the strain CTL-6 grew under aerobic conditions, the purified strain CTL-6 only grew under anaerobic culture conditions. The strain CTL-6 had a striking capability of degrading cellulose (80.9% weight loss after 9 days of culture). The highest e ciency value of the endocellulase (CMCase activity) was 0.404 mol/(min mL), cellulose degradation e ciency by CTL-6 was remarkably high at 50–65°C with the highest degradation e ciency observed at 60°C. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that the closest relative to strain CTL-6 belonged to the genus Clostridium thermocellum. Strain CTL-6 was capable of utilizing cellulose, cellobiose, and glucose. Strain CTL-6 also grew with Sorbitol as the sole carbon source, whereas C. thermocellum is unable to do so.

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