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Vertical distribution of aerosol optical properties based on aircraft measurements over the Loess Plateau in China

Gang Ren , Junmei Yang , Junxia Li , Liang Yuan , Lijun Jin , Peiren Li , Runjun Li , Xingang Liu , Yan Yin , Yiyu Li , Zhanqing Li , Zipeng Dong


Received October 23, 2014,Revised January 19, 2015, Accepted January 26, 2015, Available online May 15, 2015

Volume 27,2015,Pages 44-56

Vertical distributions of aerosol optical properties based on aircraft measurements over the Loess Plateau were measured for the first time during a summertime aircraft campaign, 2013 in Shanxi, China. Data from four flights were analyzed. The vertical distributions of aerosol optical properties including aerosol scattering coefficients (σsc), absorption coefficients (σab), Angström exponent (α), single scattering albedo (ω), backscattering ratio (βsc), aerosol mass scattering proficiency (Qsc) and aerosol surface scattering proficiency (Qsc) were obtained. The mean statistical values of σsc were 77.45 Mm− 1 (at 450 nm), 50.72 Mm− 1 (at 550 nm), and 32.02 Mm− 1 (at 700 nm). The mean value of σab was 7.62 Mm− 1 (at 550 nm). The mean values of α, βsc and ω were 1.93, 0.15, and 0.91, respectively. Aerosol concentration decreased with altitude. Most effective diameters (ED) of aerosols were less than 0.8 μm. The vertical profiles of σsc,, α, βsc, Qsc and Qsc showed that the aerosol scattering properties at lower levels contributed the most to the total aerosol radiative forcing. Both α and βsc had relatively large values, suggesting that most aerosols in the observational region were small particles. The mean values of σsc, α, βsc, Qsc, Qsc, σab and ω at different height ranges showed that most of the parameters decreased with altitude. The forty-eight hour backward trajectories of air masses during the observation days indicated that the majority of aerosols in the lower level contributed the most to the total aerosol loading, and most of these particles originated from local or regional pollution emissions.

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