Preparation and properties of chitosan–metal complex: Some factors influencing the adsorption capacity for dyes in aqueous solution

Sadia Rashid , Chensi Shen , Jing Yang , Jianshe Liu , Jing Li


Received October 24, 2016,Revised April 26, 2017, Accepted April 27, 2017, Available online May 11, 2017

Volume 30,2018,Pages 301-309

Chitosan–metal complexes have been widely studied in wastewater treatment, but there are still various factors in complex preparation which are collectively responsible for improving the adsorption capacity need to be further studied. Thus, this study investigates the factors affecting the adsorption ability of chitosan–metal complex adsorbents, including various kinds of metal centers, different metal salts and crosslinking degree. The results show that the chitosan–Fe(III) complex prepared by sulfate salts exhibited the best adsorption efficiency (100%) for various dyes in very short time duration (10 min), and its maximum adsorption capacity achieved 349.22 mg/g. The anion of the metal salt which was used in preparation played an important role to enhance the adsorption ability of chitosan–metal complex. SO42  ions not only had the effect of crosslinking through electrostatic interaction with amine group of chitosan polymer, but also could facilitate the chelation of metal ions with chitosan polymer during the synthesis process. Additionally, the pH sensitivity and the sensitivity of ionic environment for chitosan–metal complex were analyzed. We hope that these factors affecting the adsorption of the chitosan–metal complex can help not only in optimizing its use but also in designing new chitosan–metal based complexes.

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