Ecotoxicity evaluation of Cu- and Fe-CNT complexes based on the activity of bacterial bioluminescence and seed germination

In Chul Kong , Kyung Seok Ko , Mun Hui Lee , Ji Hwoan Lee , Young-Hwan Han


Received April 27, 2017,Revised July 12, 2017, Accepted August 25, 2017, Available online September 06, 2017

Volume 30,2018,Pages 198-205

The toxic effects of the composites of Fe0 and Cu0 with different percentages of CNTs were examined based on the activity of bacterial bioluminescence and seed germination. In terms of the EC50 values, the toxic effects of Cu0 on bacterial bioluminescence and seed germination were approximately 2 and 180 times greater than that of Fe0, respectively. The toxicity increased with increasing CNT content in the Cu-CNT mixtures for both organisms, whereas opposite results were observed with Fe-CNT mixtures. The mean toxic effects of Cu-CNT (6%) were approximately 1.3–1.4 times greater than that of Cu-CNT (0%), whereas the toxic effects of Fe-CNT (6%) were approximately 2.1–2.5 times lower than that of Fe-CNT (0%) for both the bioluminescence activity and seed germination. The causes of this phenomenon are unclear at this point. More research will be needed to elucidate the mechanism of the toxicity of nano-mixture materials and the causes of the different patterns of toxicity with Cu- and Fe-CNT mixtures.

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