Asian Urban Environment and Climate Change: Preface

Julian Hunt , Jianping Wu


Received January 01, 1900,Revised January 01, 1900, Accepted January 01, 1900, Available online July 29, 2017

Volume 29,2017,Pages 1-5

The Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (, in collaboration with Tsinghua University, held a conference on environmental and climate science, air pollution, urban planning and transportation in July 2015, with over 40 Asian experts participating and presentation. This was followed by a meeting with local government and community experts on the practical conclusions of the conference. Of the papers presented at the conference a selection are included in this special issue of Journal of Environmental Science, which also reflects the conclusions of the Paris Climate meeting in Dec 2015, when the major nations of the world agreed about the compelling need to reduce the upward trend of adverse impacts associated with global climate change. Now is the time for urban areas to work out the serious consequences for their populations, but also how they should work together to take action to reduce global warming to benefit their own communities and also the whole planet!

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