Three-dimensional biogenic C-doped Bi2MoO6/In2O3-ZnO Z-scheme heterojunctions derived from a layered precursor

Hongyan Li , Jia Li , Ping Yang , Dickon H.L. Ng , Xinling Cui , Fei Ji


Received March 31, 2018,Revised , Accepted October 24, 2018, Available online October 31, 2018

Volume 31,2019,Pages 54-66

Novel 3D biogenic C-doped Bi2MoO6/In2O3-ZnO Z-scheme heterojunctions were synthesized for the first time, using cotton fiber as template. The as-prepared samples showed excellent adsorption and photodegradation performance toward the hazardous antibiotic doxycycline under simulated sunlight irradiation. The morphology, phase composition and in situ carbon doping could be precisely controlled by adjusting processing parameters. The carbon doping in Bi2MoO6/In2O3-ZnO was derived from the cotton template, and the carbon content could be varied in the range 0.9–4.4 wt.% via controlling the heat treatment temperature. The sample with Bi2MoO6/In2O3-ZnO molar ratio of 1:2 and carbon content of 1.1 wt.% exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity toward doxycycline degradation, which was 3.6 and 4.3 times higher than those of pure Bi2MoO6 and ZnInAl-CLDH (calcined layered double hydroxides), respectively. It is believed that the Z-scheme heterojunction with C-doping, the 3D hierarchically micro–meso–macro porous structure, as well as the high adsorption capacity, contributed significantly to the enhanced photocatalytic activity.

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