Urinary analysis reveals high Alternaria mycotoxins exposure in the general population from Beijing, China

Bing Shao , Xiaoting Qiao , Gang Li , Jing Zhang , Jing Du , Yunjia Yang , Jie Yin , Hui Li , Jie Xie , You Jiang , Xiang Fang , Xinhua Dai


Received July 08, 2021,Revised , Accepted August 13, 2021, Available online January 11, 2022

Volume 34,2022,Pages 122-129

Alternaria mycotoxins are of concern due to its adverse health effect, they affect various cereal crops and grain-based food along with modified forms that contribute to overall exposure. This study aimed to determine the frequency and level of exposure to Alternaria mycotoxins (tenuazonic acid, TeA; alternariol, AOH; alternariol monomethyl ether, AME; tentoxin, TEN; and altenuene, ALT) in human urine from Beijing adults. A total of 2212 urine samples were collected and analyzed for five mycotoxins using LC–ESI–MS/MS. More than 98% of the samples had at least one Alternaria mycotoxin detected. Among the mycotoxins, AME had the highest detection rate (96.0%), followed by TeA (70.5%). The calculated average daily intake values of AME (12.5 ng/kg b.w.) was 5 times the TTC value (2.5 ng/kg b.w.) set by the EFSA, indicating the potential health risks associated with mycotoxins. Immediate attention and subsequent actions should be taken to identify the sources of mycotoxins and the corresponding exposure pathways to humans in the investigated regions.

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