How do inundation provoke the release of phosphorus in soil-originated sediment due to nitrogen reduction after reclaiming lake from polder

Qingfei Zeng , Hezhong Yuan , Bingchan Jia , Juan Wu , Haixiang Wang , Jianghua Yu , Yiwei Cai , Enfeng Liu , Qiang Li


Received October 17, 2021,Revised , Accepted January 03, 2022, Available online January 14, 2022

Volume 34,2022,Pages 147-157

Different N and P fractions in microcosm incubation experiment was measured using high-resolution in-situ Peeper and DGT techniques combining with sequential extraction procedure. The results showed the synchronous desorption and release of PO43-, S2- and Fe2+ from the solid soil-originated sediment. This trend indicated that the significant reduction of Fe-P and SO42- occurred in the pore water during the inundation. The concentrations of PO43- in the overlying water and pore water increased to more than 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L at the beginning of the incubation experiment. Decreased NO3-concentrations from more than 1.5 mg/L to less than 0.5 mg/L combining with increasing NH4+ concentrations from less than 1 mg/L to more than 5 mg/L suggested the remarkable NO3- reduction via dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA) pathway over time. High NH4+ concentrations in the pore water aggravated the release of Fe2+ through reduction of Fe(III)-P as electric acceptors under anaerobic conditions. This process further stimulated the remarkable releasing of labile PO43- from the solid phase to the solution and potential diffusion into overlying water. Additionally, high S2- concentration at deeper layer indicated the reduction and releasing of S2- from oxidation states, which can stimulated the NO3- reduction and the accumulation of NH4+ in the pore water. This process can also provoke the reduction of Fe-P as electric acceptors following the release of labile PO43- into pore water. Generally, inundation potentially facilitate the desorption of labile P and attention should be paid during the reclaiming lake from polder.

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