Exhaust emission inventory of typical construction machinery and its contribution to atmospheric pollutants in Chengdu, China

Hong Ye , Wubo Fan , Wenju Jiang , Junhui Chen , Fumo Yang , Jun Qian


Received August 16, 2021,Revised , Accepted February 13, 2022, Available online February 27, 2022

Volume 35,2023,Pages 761-773

To study the emission characteristics of typical construction machinery in Chengdu, 12 construction machinery (excavators, bulldozers, loaders, and forklifts) under idling mode, moving mode, and working mode, were tested using a portable emission measurement system (PEMS). Under three operating modes, the typical construction machinery in the working mode was higher in the fuel-based average emission factors of PM2.5 and NOx, while the fuel-based average emission factors of HC and CO were higher in idling mode. Integrated the results of investigation on ownership and activity levels of construction machinery, an exhaust emission inventory of typical construction machinery of Chengdu in 2018 was established according to the recommendation method. The annual emission of PM2.5, NOx, HC, and CO were 1.67 × 106, 1.61 × 108, 3.83 × 106, and 1.26 × 107 kg, respectively, and the excavator contributed the maximum emissions, accounting for an average proportion of 43.95%. The emission of construction machinery in Chengdu exhibited a clear monthly trend, with the highest from April to October and the lowest from November to March. In addition, the exhaust emissions presented an obvious spot-like characteristics, and the high-value areas were mainly concentrated in the surrounding suburban counties such as Shuangliu Wenjiang etc. To reduce pollution from construction machinery and improve the quality of the atmospheric environment, more effective measures on housing construction and municipal construction should be taken in those districts in Chengdu.

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